Comparison of local RSS readers for Android

March 2022

Readify is my current RSS client



Article: entry from a feed

OPML: file containing a list of feeds

Read You


Upcoming reader

- Scrolling is broken if animations are off in Android



Finally a smart RSS reader which doesn't suck ass or your data.

Unfortunately, this isn't true as it uses typescript. Maybe it doesn't collect your data but it does suck your storage whopping in at 67 MB.



Fork of spaRSS, which is forked from Flym and Sparse RSS. Available on IzzyOnDroid F-Droid repository

+ Can search for RSS feeds using

+ Detailed errors when a fetch fails

+ Advanced RSS configuration: Filters, auth cookies, HTTP auth

+ Can swipe between articles on the reading screen

+ Favicons on feed list

+ Shows article author

+ Can scroll with mousewheel

-- Last commit from 2018 (at the time of writing)

-- Cannot search a URL for feeds

- Cannot open-with Readify when clicking .atom URLs

- Small, circle thumbnails (personal preference)

- Scrollbar overlaps while dragging the rearrange feed icons sometimes

- While rearranging feeds the page doesn't automatically scroll. A work around is to scroll with another finger while moving a feed. If it doesn't work, restart the application.

- Large padding on the article list

- Cannot search feed sidebar, but you can search articles by feed source name

- No automatic dark theme switching

- No AMOLED theme


+ Can find RSS files from websites, not as powerful as Readify

+ Multiple list themes

+ Swipe from anywhere to open the drawer

+ Shortcut on reading page to view more articles from the source feed

+ AMOLED theme

- Cannot scroll with mousewheel

- Cannot swipe between articles on the reading screen

- Thumbnails on compact theme are on the right (personal preference)

- Cannot edit feeds from the sidebar (where feeds are selected)

- No favicons on feeds

~ No widget



+ Discover new feeds in-app, recommends searches using your folder names

+ Can select individual feeds to export to OPML

- Crashes (using latest beta)

- Cannot swipe between articles on the reading screen

- Cannot view a folders feeds, only open and collapse

Limited RSS compatibility


My old reader, wrote this page while looking for a more up to date alternative

+ Simple indication of a failed fetch

+ Translucent status bar and navbar while scrolling

+ Can scroll with mousewheel

- Does not support some feed types
